opening space
lengthening time
lengthening time
Ana Clara (she/her) is a movement artist, teacher and practitioner of ashtanga yoga.
Born in the Brazilian Amazon and having spent 6 years in Germany, she is now based in São Paulo. In the move between cultures, she was taught practices that open space in the body-mind and lenghten the perception of time, creating a kinder view of oneself and others.
Since 2017, she works in the intersection of the artistic and therapeutic aspects of body and movement.
Born in the Brazilian Amazon and having spent 6 years in Germany, she is now based in São Paulo. In the move between cultures, she was taught practices that open space in the body-mind and lenghten the perception of time, creating a kinder view of oneself and others.
Since 2017, she works in the intersection of the artistic and therapeutic aspects of body and movement.
. ashtanga yoga . dance . performance.